The continuing adventures of a wayward farang and his new family as they try to survive in the land of smiles.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sushi Time!
Monday, December 15, 2008
From: Home

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
English Camp and Us

This pic is of one of the combatants getting ready for Muay Thai. That's a trditional Thai martial art that is pretty cool to watch. The kids are pretty harmless, but Muay Thai is pretty exciting when you are watching the real thing.

This is the game I played with them. Luckily I had about 5 girls there to help me keep them focused. The object was to first write their nickname on a balloon in English. Then, they tied the balloon to their ankle. Once the whistle blew, the object was to pop everyone else's balloon, and the last one with a balloon was the winner. The only problem we ran into, is that many of the 1st graders were terrified of the sound that the balloons made when they popped. Not sure why. The other problem we had, is that many of them are so small, that they couldn't pop the balloon. Some solved this by sitting on it and bouncing up and down like on one of those bouncy balls with the loop you hang on to. When this didn't work, we would gently grab their shoulders and push down to give them a little extra umph. Most had a fun time with it.

This is Jan and I bestowing the medals to the winners. The medallions were made of chocolate covered with tin foil. I think most were eaten before they got too far.

Another shot of one of the groups. They do a lot of sing-a-long stuff. Seems to keep their attention and keeps them happy.

That's teacher Aww standing next to me. I think we were waiting to give the closing speeches or something. Aww is a hoot. She is great to work with, but has an impossible job that no one in their right mind would want. Being the middleman between the teachers and our boss would make anyone crazy.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
New Grading System
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The "IN" Crowd Cafe Project

I have calculated that I need to sell about 62,500 of these to buy a bar in Pattaya, so start saving your pennies, and please remember to tell 62,499 other people about The "IN" Crowd Cafe Project.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
School stuff

Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunflower Time in Thailand

Monday, October 27, 2008
More Pattaya Pics and Poo's Baby

Thursday, October 16, 2008
The night we raided Pattaya

Our boss took about 90 of the teachers on a short vacation to Pattaya. And, I do mean short. Pattaya is a costal resort town that is about 4 hours away from here. It's probably the naughty capital of Thailand. There is all kinds of trouble to get up too. I didn't get many photos, because most of the activity happens at night, and the shots didn't come out so good. Sorry about that.
At about 5 am, we all hopped on 2 big tour buses and headed out. Jan and I were in a small compartment with about 10 other teachers. These idiots started pounding down that cheap ass Thai whiskey immediately. Then, the started singing karaoke. There was a small tv and a sound system in the compartment. Thai music is hard enough to handle, but listening to these fools screech was too much. Because we stopped at a few places on the way, the 4 hour trip down there took 12 hours! Their plan was to arrive at 5pm, go to a caberet show at 7pm, and then leave again at 9am the next day. You gotta be kidding me! As I said, Pattaya is fun central here. There was no way Jan and I were going to spend 24 of 48 hours on a damn bus listening to them again. So, Jan and I stayed an extra day. We had a blast! There was so much to see and do there. There are restaurants from evey country, the beach, great live music and plenty of bars with pretty girls that can't wait to spend your money. I loved it.
Pattaya is a lot cleaner and more interesting than Bangkok. It's not quite as expensive either. The new dream is too retire there. Upon Roong hearing that, she just glared at me. Haaaa. She has been there several times. I will have to work on her for a looooong time to get her to agree to this I think. Roong got a new Pentax camera, so, the next time I go, I will take that, and try and get some decent photos. Night shots are hard with my little Nikon, and I didn't want to take that to the beach for fear of getting it wet, or sand in it, or have it stolen. These shots are of one of the Wats that we stopped at, the great band at "The Rolling Stone" Bar on "Walking Street", and Lamai the bartender there.
And the winner is......ME!
Yowzaaa! I won a contest! The groups on RedBubble have contests all the time, called "Challenges". We join lots of groups, so you can get your submitted artwork seen by lots of people. These groups will suggest a subject or topic, and the members make artwork accordingly. After a few days, everyone votes on which art they think works the best. One of the groups I belong to is called Japanfluence. The topic this time was "working and playing in Japan. I submitted this origami instruction T-shirt design as my entry, and I won. It's called "Origami Samurai", because it shows you how to fold a little origami samurai helmet. The prize is not only being the featured artist for the group for a while, but I also won an original painting by the artist who sponsors the group. Her name is Thickblackoutline. Be sure and give her page a look.
I was very surprized, because there were many terrific works submitted. I thought it would be a cute idea to put origami instructions on a T-shirt. I got great reviews from many friends. They suggested that I do bunch of different ones, and try selling them as a stand alone niche idea, so I will do that. The one below shows you how to make a squid. Please check out my other works at My RedBubble Page.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Discipline? I'll show you discipline!

Just kidding. This is my M-2/5 class. They are my most skilled students. As a reward for their hard work, I try and give them as much free time as possible. The girls are practicing for a ceremony, for a Buddhist celebration next month. Sometimes they sing, and sometimes they dance, and it's always traditionl stuff. It's very interesting to watch them go through the motions of what they are practicing. They take it very seriously, but they still have fun doing it.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Drawing Tablets and New Underwear

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just Stuff

It seems I have a new student. Much to my chagrine, I didn't notice for a full 15 minutes of class time. The bear belongs to one of the girls, but I never did figure out which one. He was smuggled out at break time. They really shouldn't be laughing though, because the teddy bear will probably do better on it's exams than most of them will. Haaaa!

Thursday, August 07, 2008
Palmy's B-day
Thursday, July 31, 2008
HTML Practice

If your in the mood for a bit of wall art for your home or office, then please give these a look.