At night, it turns into a crazy fun place. There are plenty of restaurants, bars, dance clubs, and pretty girls to keep you busy. This is a shot of the infamous "Walking Street". Walking Street is only about 100 yards from the beach. It's a wild place at night, but in the daytime, its just a quiet spot by the beach, where you can take a beer break from strolling about, or have lunch and chat.
And last but definitely not least, are two of Pattaya's main attractions. :)
So, here's the deal...If you buy one of the "IN Crowd" t-shirts, your name, hometown, and e-mail addy (if you want) will go on the wall of the cafe, so all the world will see that you helped put the walls there in the first place. And, of course, I will happily buy you a beer, if you ever happen to wander into the cafe wearing your "IN Crowd" shirt. So please help support the IN Crowd Cafe Project by buying on of my "IN" Crowd Cafe T-Shirts.
I have calculated that I need to sell about 62,500 of these to buy a bar in Pattaya, so start saving your pennies, and please remember to tell 62,499 other people about The "IN" Crowd Cafe Project.