Well, the good news.... My blood sugar, kidneys, liver, blood pressure, and all are fine. On the other hand, my cholesterol is still too high (314), and he also says that I may be in the first stages of early emphysema. He says that 1 in 10 people get it, and no one is sure why. Smoking doesn't actually cause it, it just helps it to progress faster. Quitting smoking won't make it go away, but it will slow down the progression of it. He says that since I am about 50 now, and just developing it, I shouldn't get too freaked out about it, and that I need to have a chest X-ray to be sure.
He also says that my my red blood cells are too big. Umm...ok. That's a new one. I went there today for more acupuncture. It seems to be having some positive effect, because now, I can feel more of the needles as he is using them. He had a new approach today. He said that he wanted to get rid of the blood that was pooling in my lower legs. So, he bled my toes. Seriously! That was just plain creepy. After he stuck all the needles in, he made a small incision on all 10 of the tips of my toes, and let some blood out. I am glad I couldn't feel that. As you walk into his office, the first thing you see is a huge hand carved wooden Chinese dragon. For some reason, that is very comforting. Well, that and the two receptionists that are so pretty, that Roong just glares at them. "I must be taking some pressure of you blood now Mr.Don". Yes you do baby girl. :)
On a happier note....I got a new cellphone. I still hate carrying that damn thing, but this one is pretty cool. My old one could never get a signal anywhere, so it was useless. This one seems to be ok, and takes great photos. My old one couldn't take pics. I have promised Roong that I will keep it on all the time. Well, I will, as soon as she lets me have it back. She is having a ball playing with it. I have to find a truly obnoxious ring tone to put on it of course.