Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cell Phone pics

A shot of the girls and I on the new cell phone. I was surprised at how nice they turned out. I haven't seen many cell phone pics that didn't look grainy and blurry, especially if take indoors. As you can see, Palmy is in full retro/Japanese mode and sporting a new color. At least she isn't wearing those god awful leopard skin shoes today. The promise of a new cell phone was even enough to get Puky off the computer for a few hours.

These were taken at the Future city mall in N. Bangkok. We like this one a lot better that Zeer (where we normally go, about 5km further in). This is more like an American mall. It has lots of department stores, and even a sizzler and Pizza Hut. The stores are a lot more expensive, but they carry quality merchandise. I didn't see to many people grumbling about the prices though. I think I just have to get Roong out of the country market routine, and go to Future more. I am really having a hard time accepting the cheap ass, poor quality merchandise that everyone around here just seems to accept.

I tried to explain it like this. I can buy a pair of work shoes, that will last a year for 200 baht, but a 600 baht pair of shoes will last 5 years. I can't get them to see that that is a better deal. Plus, It's just plain a lot more comfy to shop and eat in an air conditioned mall, with quality merchandise, where I don't have to kick mangy ass dogs out of my way, to wave the flies off the spoiled produce, that will soon become my lizard crap coated dinner in somebody's damn "supposed to be a restaurant" garage. Sorry, I am going to my happy place now. Seeya!