Another beautiful day at the waterfalls. This time Palmy and Puk and I went swimming. The place is like Johnson's shut-in back home. It's about a 1/2 mile of small rapids and waterfalls that you can take an innertube over. The only drawback is that neither of the girls can swim. But they are a brave pair, so off we went. It didn't take long to break their spirit though i am sad to say. At the first waterfall, there are 2 guys there to catch alyone that has trouble. It's only a few feet drop, but thats enough to turn you over and give you a good dunking. That was enough for Puk. She went under for a few seconds, and came up sputtering and paddling like a lost puppy. Palmy was a bit more game though. She jumped back in the tube and headed on. She got about 20 yards ahead of me by the time we reached the large deep pool that is like a stopping point. I yelled to her to hop off her tube, hang on, and paddle to the shore. She wasn't buying that. She floated on until she saw the next set of rapids. There, she somehow flipped off her tube, and ended up hanging on to this large branch that was sticking up out of the water. She was screaming and laughing at the same time. I told her to stand up. I jumped off my tube, and stood up to show her. She wasn't going for that either. So i got back on the tube and floated towards her. As i went by, i grabbed her and yanked her onto the tube with me.....then we hit the rapids. A few rough bounces, and a whole lot of swallowed water later, we came to a calm. We crawled to the shore and about collapsed. Guess what was waiting for us there...you're right, a hooker! She grabbed her boobs, and started babbling something about her meatballs. I was laughing my ass off, and luckily Palmy didn't know what she was talking about (That child has got to get out more..yeesh!). Anyway, we all lived through it, and want to go give it another try. I will let ya know how that one turns out, and of course, just how much a meatball does cost in Thailand.