Speaking of funerals....Last night Roong and I met Thep and his wife Tik at a new restaurant near the dam in Roong's district. It's a steak house, which of course I couldn't resist. We also met a couple that are old friends of Theps, there names are Ping and Nicki. They are very nice people. They were camping near the damn. It was beautiful there. The temp was maybe 75 degrees, and there was a nice breeze blowing in off the water. But enough about them, I almost died dammit!!! We were at the table in the restuarant having a few beers, talking, and chowing down. The problem was, I was doing all that at the same time. A piece of steak got caught in my throat. I didn't panic, and took a drink to try to get it to move. That didn't work, and I started making this soft hiccuping noise. I thought I would freak out, but i didn't when i realized what was happening, and that I may choke to death, I was quite calm. Everything went into this slow motion mode. It wasn't scary, it just was. Just as I turned away from the table, Roong popped me on the back, and the steak came out. Yet another reason to love her. I know it sounds a bit dramatic to say i could have died, but that's what ran through my head. All the mistakes, regrets, and unrealized dreams softly rolled through my brain in that 30 seconds. Was a strange experience to say the least. It took a bit to explain to the restaurant owner that i was ok, and it wasn't the steaks fault! Anyway, today just seemed a bit sunnier, Roong seemed a bit prettier, and I was very happy to see my students in class today :)