It's been kind of quiet around here the past few weeks. They are still working on the school, and I will probably start teaching there June 1st. They swore it would be ready on time, but the boss finally accepted reality. I asked him what he was going to do about the 2 weeks of class that the clients have already paid for, but won't be getting. He just looked at me, and in a very quiet voice said "I no have plan". Haaaaa! I am sure he will figure it out.
The photo above is of our favorite waitress at "Long Bia". Her name is "Thong", and yes, that is a man's name. And yes, her voice is just a tad deeper than one might expect from a small Thai girl. She's a hoot. She likes to raise fish, and has dreams of going to beauty school, and being a hair dresser. She and Roong yak away for hours about all kinds of things. I have no idea what they are saying most of the time. I just keep an eye peeled in case they both look at me and give me that slow, menacing, head nod. This of course means they are gossiping me, or men in general. When I see this, I know to look suitably humble, and to ask about the weather or something.
Anyway, Thong is leaving. She is changing to a different establishment. We will probably start going there. She says the music and the crowd is a bit older, so we might enjoy it more. The 2 bands that play at Long Bia are ok, but it has been almost a year, and they still haven't figured out how to balance their sound worth a damn. But that's ok, because anything is better than the non-stop karaoke at Bannok (geez that stuff is horrible). I think Thong said she will change places next week, so we will see what the new place is like then.