Roong had never been out to a club to hear live music. I found that hard to believe. But it seems it's true. I took her to this club in Lopburi called "Loung Bia". It means beer house, or something close to that. They have a solo live guitarist from 7-9pm, and then a full band gets up there. One very nice thing about Thai performers. They don't take breaks. These guys played 3 solid hours. I have been there a few times before with Tep and Bun. I am a bit tired of going to Bannok, so something new was in order. The music was good, and as always, they tried to do a few songs in English....EWWW! the Chic that sings is a hoot. When ever she see's me, she says "Someone buy the farang a leo! At first, that irritated me a bit, but the free beer has calmed my nerves. Haaaa!!! Anyway, a good time was had by all. The photos didn't come out very well from Roong's cell phone. This one is of me and my favorite waitress Ahm. I may have to stalk her :D